Tuesday, March 26, 2013


I think differentiation is important in a classroom, and all teachers should have practice and experience working with it. A student's success can largely depend on how confident they feel about the subject and material at hand. So while they have the capacity to learn the information, it may not be taught in the way that best suits their learning style, and then they feel slow and lose confidence. Meanwhile, the kids who are being taught in their learning style are excelling. I think technology can be really helpful with this problem. It opens different avenues of education for students with websites like Blackboard and Study Island. Not only do websites like the ones mentioned offer different teaching methods, they're a good way to keep your students busy while you give others extra help. Depending on technology too much is dangerous- you need to make sure that your material is mostly focused around your lesson plan and not let the computers do the teaching for you. But as far as differentation goes, they can offer a big helping hand in making sure all of your students are getting the help they need.


  1. I agree you have to be careful that you don't let computers and the internet do all the teaching, you need to use it as a supplement to the lessons. Your post was very informative and put together well!

  2. I agree. Technology in the classroom can resolve many problems with students and their ability to retain the heavy content information. Good job!

  3. I am with you totally! We can not let the computers and internet do the teaching. We need to use it as a way to enhance learning and not rely on it. Relying on technology too much will be a downfall in our society. Fantastic job!! :)

  4. I enjoyed what you said about differentiation in connection with technology. I loved the pictures you chose!

  5. Differentiation is very important in the classroom. I agree that if the teachers are not confident in the way they differentiate the lesson then the children suffer. Technology can help make differentiation easier, and more affective.

  6. I love the pictures in your blog they are so cute! But I most defiantly agree that when the teacher is not confident and does not know how to properly differentiate for her class, the students are unfortunately the ones who suffer in the end. Fortunately, we do have technology to aid our process of differentiation and I feel that this will be a significant help.
